"Relaxed in a flower"                


Daises with petals

as bright as the sunshine

Rivers with rapids that flow

as pure as a glass of white wine                     


The sky is so snowy

as are the thoughts in my head 

the body so tired

I just want a bed   


I am tired of it all!!                               

let it be by accident

let it be on purpose

no one will ever know

'cause it will never hit the surface


The waters are too deep

the sun is too bright

I'm a chronic complainer

(that's what I was told tonight) 


~However the daises

are not too pretty

and the rapids are not too high

sometimes all I want to do for days

is lie down and cry


                               My tears are not too salty

my daises stem is not too long


Sometimes I feel a change

then the rose becomes too strong...   



 poem written by:  JeriNicole Polski

        february 1993                  

                                                    *ART WORK
